AI For Good Starts With Collaboration
The cooperation of Molly, Terry, and Jannicke and many others who are involved in the success of #AIShowBiz Summit 4.0, serves as the perfect example of how a handful of people can make a difference by bringing people together to solve some of our pressing issues such as the Climate Change Crisis.
How VR Is Poised to Transform the Music Industry
Disruptive technology is sparking innovation across industries, but one segment that appears to be taking off is the live event business. With a record $5.65 billion in revenues in 2017, the Top 100 worldwide tours generated 15.8 percent more business than the previous year.The world of virtual reality (VR) is taking hold across major music labels — such as Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment Inc., and Roc Nation — that are licensing VR-film projects, and selling virtual tickets to shows in the U.S. and UK.
American Cinematographer: IBC 2018 Lunar Window Public Launch
VR filmmaker Jannicke Mikkelsen, FNF, presented Lunar Window an interactive installation that she created for the Moon Landing anniversary at the Kennedy Space Center.
Jannicke gave a live demonstration of interactive footage using the wonderful HTC Vive system. She showed imagery of the lunar landscape on the screen adapting to her position as she moved across the IBC stage.
FEED Magazine: Queen of the cutting edge
Director Jannicke Mikkelsen is breaking records in her career as one of the world’s top VR filmmakers
I had been interested in 3D ever since I was 12 years old. I had a school project about how NASA was mapping the world in 3D, and I thought ‘Wow! What’s this all about?!’”
Years before Oculus Rift was a gleam in Palmer Luckey’s eye, Norwegian director Jannicke Mikkelsen had fallen in love with using technology to vision immersive worlds. Now she is one of the world’s top VR filmmakers and seems determined to take immersive filmmaking to the next level.
Women in STEM: A story of Jannicke Mikkelsen
In our series of interviews with women in STEM, we’ve talked to Jannicke Mikkelsen FNF (Norwegian Society of Cinematographers), a freelance Virtual Reality (VR) film Director and Cinematographer based in London, United Kingdom. She is internationally known for her work with the British Rock band Queen and lead singer Adam Lambert on their Virtual Reality film “VR The Champions” (2017).

Queen + Adam Lambert’s ‘VR The Champions’ Film Wins IMAGO Award for Extraordinary Technical Achievement
Of the film, Brian says “This is the fulfillment of a dream. Jannicke did a wonderful job - I can't think of anyone else who could have pulled it off so magnificently in such a short time. I think she made a milestone and she so deserves the award. Through this unique Virtual Reality creation, fans around the world are for the first time able to experience the excitement and energy of a Queen + Adam Lambert show in their own homes. Many of you have seen VR, but not VR like THIS!”
NFTS Cinematography graduate, Jannicke Mikkelsen, has won this year’s IMAGO International Cinematography Award for Technical Excellence. Jannicke said of her achievement: “I am so honoured; this is the most prestigious award a cinematographer can wish to receive for their work and I simply can't believe this award has my name engraved on it.”
Queen, Adam Lambert, Universal Music Team for Virtual Reality Concert ‘VR The Champions’
Queen and Adam Lambert, who recently kicked off their U.S. tour and played two nights at the Hollywood Bowl, will offer fans a virtual reality concert experience. (...)

VICE Creators
[Exclusive] Now You Can Rush the Stage at a Queen Concert, Because VR is Awesome
Nov 18 2016, 1:30pm
'VR The Champions' (get it?) is here to fulfill your glam rock dreams.
Not content to simply dominate rock and roll, Queen is intent on conquering the digital realm. Earlier this year, the legendary rock band collaborated with Enosis VR and Google Play to turn "Bohemian Rhapsody" into a surreal trip through Freddy Mercury's subconscious. Now, at the Tribeca Virtual Arcadewithin Oculus at the World Trade Center, Queen fans can rush the stage as the band performs with Adam Lambert in front of a roaring crowd of 15,000 in Barcelona.

British Cinematographer
IMAGO Conference on VR and 3D at Camerimage
Technical wizard Jannicke Mikkelsen held a masterclass at Camerimage, where she and her work partner, Laura Marie Linck, talked about Jannicke’s recent VR 3D production for the band Queen’s spectacular Barcelona concert. The 3D/VR rig that Jannicke designed specially for the shoot held 20 cameras and was built in less than a week. It was a mindblowing experience for all present. On the spot Jannicke was invited by the ASC to hold a similar masterclass at the ASC Clubhouse in LA, so our friends and colleagues over the ocean can also be equally impressed. Our thanks go to Kazik Suwala and his amazing team at Camerimage for being IMAGO’s partner on these important events.

Film and Digital Times
Mid afternoon VR film director, cinematographer and stereographer Jannicke Mikkelson presented a workshop where she demonstrated the film rig she designed and constructed for the first 3D 360 degree Virtual Reality concert ever filmed, Queen’s 2014 concert in Barcelona called “VR The Champions”. The rig held 20 cameras that travelled on a four-point wire flying above the musicians and the audience to film the 3D VR concert. After the presentation, the audience put on virtual reality headsets and experienced the concert themselves.

Sensasjonell Queen-film med norsk regissør
10. november 2016, Kristina Brend
Det legendariske bandet Queen går i front med hypermoderne teknologi og har filmet sin turne i sommer i 3D – 360 under det passende navnet «VR the Champions». Dette er et unikt filmprosjekt,
og regissøren er norske Jannicke Mikkelsen. På NxtMedia Conference gir Jannicke historien bak filmen, og du kan få smakebiter av denne spesielle opplevelsen som en verdenspremiere!

Keynote Speaker
Ms Jannicke Mikkelsen (UK)
Entering the world of the impossible
“VR The Champions” is the title of British rock band Queen first concert film in VR. Director and DoP Jannicke Mikkelsen takes you on a journey through inventing new-tech to behind the scenes of working with the legendary rock stars. The talk details the project workflow, equipment, live-action stereography through to post-production. Mikkelsen’s talk challenges current VR misconceptions and explores the future of VR entertainment to the masses. A 4K video and 360 audio VR experience of ”VR The Champions” will be available.